supreme commander of the allied powers 뜻
- 연합군 최고사령부
- supreme: adjective, 지고(최상)의, 최후의, make the
- supreme commander: 수프림 커맨더
- commander: noun, 지휘자, 사령관, 지휘관,
- allied: adjective, 동맹한, 연합국의, 결연한
- allied powers: 동맹국
- supreme commander for the allied powers: 연합군 최고사령부
- supreme headquarters allied powers europe: 유럽 연합군 최고사령부
- supreme commander (video game): 슈프림 커맨더
- supreme commander 2: 슈프림 커맨더 2
- supreme headquarters allied expeditionary force: 연합국 원정군 최고사령부
- supreme commander of the armed forces of north korea: 조선민주주의인민공화국 무력 최고사령관
- supreme commander of the unified armed forces of the warsaw treaty organization: 바르샤바 조약기구 통합군 최고사령관
- commander: noun, 지휘자, 사령관, 지휘관, (군함의)부함장, 해군 중령, 상급 훈작사, (런던 경시청의)경시장
- supreme: adjective, 지고(최상)의, 최후의, make the ~ sacrifice 목숨을 바치다
- allied (film): 얼라이드
기타 단어
- "supreme being, the" 뜻
- "supreme commander" 뜻
- "supreme commander (video game)" 뜻
- "supreme commander 2" 뜻
- "supreme commander for the allied powers" 뜻
- "supreme commander of the armed forces of north korea" 뜻
- "supreme commander of the unified armed forces of the warsaw treaty organization" 뜻
- "supreme council (transnistria)" 뜻
- "supreme council for national reconstruction" 뜻
- "supreme commander 2" 뜻
- "supreme commander for the allied powers" 뜻
- "supreme commander of the armed forces of north korea" 뜻
- "supreme commander of the unified armed forces of the warsaw treaty organization" 뜻